The first thing to do is to control yourself not to apply for credit cards, online micro-loans and so on. Improve your credit information and ensure that the bank's running bills are more beautiful. Don't click on the advertisements of some loan platforms, so as not to leave records of credit inquiry, which may easily lead to credit spending. Most importantly, if you want to reduce debt, you must not continue to apply for card loans, which will only increase the debt ratio and will never come down.
2. Repayment in installments or in advance
If the single bill of your credit card or loan is relatively large, you can choose to repay it in installments. Through installment repayment, the debt record of your personal credit report will change from high debt to low debt. Early repayment can reduce the amount of debt on personal credit report, and can also effectively reduce the debt ratio. This method is more effective for people with more credit card arrears. You can also pay off your credit card before the bill date, so your debt will be less.
3. Clean up your credit card.
When a bank accepts a loan application, if it finds a large number of credit cards on the applicant's personal credit report, it will judge that the applicant's debt ratio is too high and the actual financial ability does not match the repayment ability. At this time, you can cancel the unused credit card, provided that it is paid off, which can reduce the debt ratio.