Ask directly at the bank counter, and never call. Of course, if you are afraid of being impersonated to open a card, you can also ask at the counter. If you are really sure that it is overdue, return the money as soon as possible to avoid generating more interest. Credit cards generally have an interest-free repayment period of at least 20 days and a maximum of 50 days. During this period, there is no interest on repayment on time. If the repayment is not made on time, the compound interest will be calculated on a monthly basis at the interest rate of one ten thousandth of the daily interest, and a certain interest will be charged. It is recommended that you do not cancel your card and use it normally. If it is your first overdue repayment, as long as you use your card to repay normally in the future, this behavior will not have a particularly great impact on you. Because commercial banks will pay more attention to the cards used in the future, which is also the best evidence to prove your negligence. Generally, if you have a bad record for more than three times, it will directly affect the credit between you and the bank.