To run a credit card, you need a work card. Now, a work card is a card issued by a company with relevant work numbers and personal information. It is generally made of plastic, and some are hard cards made of aluminum alloy, with many kinds.
The credit card is used to prove that there is a stable work unit;
if there is no job, the unit or company can issue the corresponding certificate.
The detailed application materials are as follows:
1. Identity certificate: generally, it is an ID card (if you use a new version of the ID card, you need a copy of the front and back), and soldiers need to provide a copy of their military ID card; ?
2. Work certificate: it can be the original work certificate issued by the employer (please specify the specific company name, department, position and income, and affix the official seal or personnel seal of the company), or a copy of the work permit \ card verified by the promoter and marked;
3. proof of financial resources: it can be the payroll record issued by the bank, or the income tax withholding certificate, or the documents proving the market value of the house, car, deposit and investment (such as the copy of the real estate license/car driving license/bank time deposit certificate) and other materials that can prove your financial level.
4. Other documents for reference include: personal account list of social insurance in recent 6 months, water and gas bills, credit card bills of other banks, etc.
The most important conditions for applying for a credit card are:
① 18-6 years old;
② Have a stable job and income;
③ The necessary application documents are a copy of identity certificate and work certificate;
④ provide other financial documents.