1. Use one card as many times as possible in a month. Generally, 15-20 times per month is okay, and 30 times per month is very good. If you do this for several consecutive months, your chances of getting a raise are very high. If you only have a few card swiping records, never think about the bank raising your credit limit.
2. The amount of card swiping is reasonably distributed, including large transactions, small transactions, and both large and small transactions.
3. The types of credit card merchants are reasonably distributed, including supermarkets, department stores, restaurants, entertainment, clothing, electrical appliances, etc. There are merchants for people's livelihood, catering and entertainment merchants, etc. When spending money outside, develop the habit of swiping your card. In this way, your credit card statements will be very beautiful and rich.
4. The time for swiping the card is reasonable, which means that it is usually sufficient to swipe the card during the day. You can brush from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., but it is best not to brush from 9 p.m. to 8 a.m. Because what shops are open at night, midnight, or early in the morning? Except for hotels that are open, most shops are closed.