Acting for a credit card in Hong Kong is not reliable, it costs 3000 yuan. Doing a credit card requires a lot of personal information. To make a credit card, you need to inform the agent of your personal information. If it gets out, it will be very troublesome. It would be better to apply for a credit card directly at the bank. According to, the charge for a credit card is 3,000 yuan per person.
There is no need to pay any fees in advance for handling Hong Kong credit cards.
100-500. Hong Kong credit cards can be processed at four banks (HSBC, Standard Chartered, Citigroup and Hang Seng) at the same time, with a total amount of about 200,000-300,000, and all of them can be issued in about 20 working days. The age of getting a card needs to be between 23 and 48. There is no upfront fee for handling Hong Kong credit cards, ranging from 100-500 yuan, and the amount and amount of processing will have an impact on the fee.
300 yuan will be charged for credit card processing, and the card will be issued after 3 to 5 days, and then a handling fee of 3% of the application amount will be charged. . Income proof, social insurance,
False, there is no charge for credit card processing, and there is an annual fee after activating the card. Gold card and ordinary card are swiped enough times, free of annual fee.
If you say that the card is charged, the general charge is 20%-30% of the card amount. After the card is issued, they will take the card and give it to you after receiving the money. There is also a deposit before the card is issued, which is not safe. If the information is leaked, he can use your information to handle other cards.
Forging information to apply for loans and credit cards is a crime, and there are more than 190 criminal laws.
This concludes the introduction of how much the regular credit card agent pays and how much the agent pays for the credit card. I wonder if you have found the information you need?