2. After you apply for a credit card, there is a billing date, which is usually 1 days later, which is your repayment date. Before the repayment date, you must also ask for the money you used, and the interest beyond the repayment date is one thousandth.
3. A credit card can withdraw cash. For example, if your credit card has a limit of 8, yuan, then the amount you can withdraw cash is 5, yuan. However, there are no credit card points for cash withdrawal, and the repayment period given by the bank for cash withdrawal is 3 days (note that this 3 days is calculated on the billing date, not the repayment date. For example, if your billing date is the 2th of each month, the cash you withdraw on the 19th will be counted in the month before the 2th, and you will have to ask for it on the repayment date of that month). If you swipe your card, the repayment period given by the bank is 45 days.