If the bank card is frozen, the customer will go to the bank to unfreeze it. In addition to the running water certificate, customers can also provide their own work certificate, social security certificate and business license.
Second, I only have running water in the bank, 40 thousand to 50 thousand a month. I have a work certificate, and the rest is social security. ...
Generally needed, there are also unnecessary.
3. The daily accounts of the Postal Savings Bank range from 1 to 50,000 per month. Can I apply for a credit card? I am self-employed.
Yes, you can. It seems that credit cards don't even need running water.
Fourth, can social security certificate replace bank running water?
Social security can't replace the tap water in the bank. If you can only prove that you have a stable job, the loan will basically let you pass. Water is also a way to prove your job stability, and the expenses it will pay on social security will be shown.