It is compulsory to borrow money to buy auto insurance. You have to borrow money for several years to buy insurance, because your car is mortgaged in the bank. In case of failure to pay back the money, the bank should minimize the risk. You must buy it in the first year. In the second and third years, the first beneficiary filled in Mercedes-Benz Finance, and bought wherever he liked. Loan procedures of Mercedes-Benz Auto Finance Company: valid personal identification. Including resident identity cards, household registration books, etc. If the borrower is married, the identity certificate of the spouse shall be provided; Certificate of intention to buy a car issued by the car dealer; Household registration certificate or long-term residence certificate; Personal income certificate, and provide family income or property certificate when necessary; If the purchased vehicle is secured by other means than mortgage, relevant materials for the guarantee shall be provided; Proof of down payment for car purchase; If the vehicle purchased by the loan is a commercial vehicle, it is also necessary to provide proof that the purchased vehicle can be legally used for operation.