Huishang Bank’s 2020 annual report was released. Huishang Bank’s H shares were listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in November 2013. Huishang Credit Card's 2020 performance is also disclosed in the annual report, and the data is complete and complete. This is the first time this publication has released it.
In 2020, the cumulative number of valid Huishang credit cards was 2.4444 million, an increase of 66.18% from the end of the previous year. In 2020, 1.1133 million new cards were issued. The increase in this amount should be due to taking over the credit card business of the original Baoshang Bank. (According to relevant requirements, Huishang Bank took over the credit card business of four branches of the original Baoshang Bank credit card issuing areas outside the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, including credit card deposits, credit assets, credit card interest, annual fees, merchant commissions, liquidated damages, and installment fees and other handling fees, and in-transit business under the above business, including existing settled and existing unsettled business to be renewed)
In 2020, Huishang’s credit card overdraft balance was 19.07 billion yuan. An increase of 44.9% from the end of the previous year;
In 2020, Huishang’s credit card transaction amount was 47.05 billion yuan, an increase of 17.95% from the end of the previous year;
In 2020, Huishang’s credit card business revenue was 939 million yuan, An increase of 4.56 from the end of the previous year;
In 2020, the non-performing rate of Huishang credit cards was 1.86, a decrease of 0.81 percentage points from the end of the previous year (the statistical standard is overdue for more than 60 days).