Loan customers refer to too many credit inquiries, mainly from institutions, especially the hard inquiry records of loan approval, credit card approval and guarantee qualification examination. If the inquiry is too frequent in a short period of time, the credit inquiry will be ruined, such as 1 month more than 3 times, 3 months more than 5 times, 6 months more than 10 times and so on.
Although the credit investigation is not seriously overdue, it is also a manifestation of tight funds and insufficient repayment ability, which is also not conducive to the approval of loans and credit cards.
If the number of personal credit inquiries is too many, it is called a flower household. Some people have applied for many credit cards and handled many online loan businesses. In this way, personal credit reports will be inquired by relevant financial institutions many times, and too many inquiry records will lead to credit consumption. Therefore, such users are called flower households.