This kind of online loan is terrible. For example, if the loan is not repaid at maturity, it will have to continue to borrow from other places, forming a loan to support the loan. The end result is that the borrowed money is not much, which can generate high interest. I won't wake up until I finally find out that the problem is serious. This kind of lending behavior, which has been ruined for a while, should really be put an end to. For example, recently, Gansu couples finally chose to burn charcoal in the hotel to commit suicide because they were unable to repay online loans. It's really a tragedy. Even make people want to cry, only to find that there is no way.
Who can blame this? After all, it's not yourself. But I am still an inexperienced student at school. Do you really blame yourself? It doesn't look like this to me. So how to completely eliminate it! I think if we want to put an end to online lending, we need to start from many angles.
1. Start from the source. I think the biggest essence is that loans should not enter the campus. Why lend money to students because they can't repay their debts? This is obviously harmful to students, and it is also on the edge of the law, or there is no relevant law to make campus loans so crazy. Therefore, I think the first point is that lending money to students at school should be prohibited by law. I'm afraid we can completely prevent this tragedy from happening again.
2. The teacher caught it. Now many teachers seem to me to be nerds, who only know the contents of books, but how much of the contents in books are in line with the present life and how much can be used? Teaching and educating people is not only to make students have knowledge, but more importantly, to educate them and let them have better knowledge of survival is the essence of education. If a top student lives in the wild and doesn't know how to survive, I'm afraid no child who hasn't attended school for a day can survive better. Therefore, in this case, at the moment of campus loan madness, teachers should remind students.
3. parents catch it. This is actually very difficult, because students with good family conditions will definitely not borrow money. And families with poor conditions may not understand Jianghu at all. But if their children become vain and materialistic, I think any parents should remind their children in time that there are many beautiful things in this world that money can't buy.
4. Self-reflection. The essence of school is life. What kind of life is it to enter the big environment? What kind of life do you want in the future? Is it really that easy to make money? If you can't find the answer, think about it first.