Credit cards can be used after three months of overdue repayment, provided that they are not frozen. Personal bad credit record: 1, to ensure timely payment of arrears and all expenses; 2. Bad records can be cleared automatically after five years, and loan business can be handled normally at that time; 3. If there is no repayment, the bank can refund it once after five years, and the non-recording period will be increased by five years; 4. If the circumstances are bad, it can be traced back to permanent preservation; 5. During the period of bad credit reporting, you can't buy train tickets or plane tickets to travel; 6. Loans and credit cards are not allowed during the period of bad credit investigation; 7. During the period of bad credit reporting, travel abroad is subject to certain restrictions.
Legal objectivity:
Article 13 of the China Convention on Self-discipline of Bank Card Industry, member units shall strengthen the public propaganda work on the use of bank cards and risk prevention, and ensure that customers have full right to know and choose the interest, charging standards and related risks of bank card business. (1) Member units shall strengthen the disclosure of credit card business information, fully reveal the meaning of credit card interest-bearing rules, clearly explain the interest-bearing rules in eye-catching fonts in credit card application forms, and provide calculation rules and simulation cases through publicity channels such as websites; (II) Member units shall implement the requirements of regulatory rules, choose the credit card interest rate collection method and corresponding preferential measures suitable for their own development according to the actual situation, but shall clearly inform the credit card applicant (or cardholder) of relevant information, so as to ensure that the applicant (or cardholder) can choose and decide whether to accept it according to his own wishes. (3) Member units shall remind cardholders to repay their credit cards at least 3 days before the due date of repayment, by means of bills, short messages, emails, telephone calls or letters. (4) Member units can provide multiple bills for cardholders to choose and change, and the number of changes can be limited. The above is my answer to this question. I hope it helps you. Thank you.