First of all, according to regulations, the credit card you receive should be inactive by default, that is, not used. Generally, charges cannot be made if the credit card is not activated, unless it is a VIP credit card with special agreement, etc.
Secondly, banks have no right to force customers to activate credit cards, but they will not automatically cancel credit cards.
Third, for most types of credit cards, even if they are activated, the annual fee is generally waived in the first year of opening the card.
Fourth, there is usually a certain delay from the time the credit card is applied at the counter to the customer receiving the card. No fees will be incurred during this period.
For the sake of the security of your account, if you do not want to use this card, it is best to call the credit card customer service immediately after receiving the card using the phone number/mobile phone you left when applying for the card (the customer service phone number is at Ask on the back of the card. The usual advice given to you is: call the credit card customer service to activate the credit card, then call again to cancel the credit card.
Good luck!