Generally, you do not need to apply for a credit card when applying for a loan to buy a house. However, some banks may require you to apply for a credit card before disbursing money. It depends on the bank's regulations.
The general process for applying for a home loan is:
1. Submit an application. The borrower brings his ID card, income certificate, work certificate, marital status certificate and other materials to the bank to apply for a loan;
2. Bank review. After receiving the application materials, the bank will review them, including the borrower's credit, assets, income, job stability, etc.;
3. Sign the contract. If the review is passed, the borrower can sign a loan contract with the bank;
4. Apply for guarantee. The borrower needs to go through guarantee, mortgage, notarization and other procedures;
5. Bank lending. After the borrower completes the procedures, the bank will issue the loan.