You can rest assured about this, because your payment does not go directly to the seller, but your money is on Taobao. After you buy something, the seller will deliver the goods to you. You have to place a goods inquiry form. If you find that the seller has not delivered the goods, you can apply for a refund. If you get the goods from the express delivery, you find that the goods do not match the items you bought. Actually, you can refuse to sign for it, and then report it to the seller and ask for a refund. If the goods are correct, you can go back to Taobao and confirm the payment, and then the money will be sent to the seller. However, it is recommended that it is cheap. Small items can be purchased online, but for valuable items, it is recommended to purchase them in local physical stores. Otherwise, if they are defective or damaged during use, it will be very troublesome for you to repair them!