You can cancel it if you don't use it often. To be honest, if you use too many credit cards, it will definitely increase your credit history. If you don't use it often, it will increase your debt ratio. Seriously, don't use it if you don't need it. Of course, this is a little advice for you.
Credit card is a non-cash transaction payment method and a micro-credit payment tool provided by banks to users. The earliest credit card appeared at the end of 19.
Credit cards are divided into credit cards and quasi-credit cards, which provide settlement services, facilitate shopping and consumption, and enhance security; Simplify the collection procedure and save social labor; Promote commodity sales and stimulate social demand. Credit card is a special card issued by banks or other financial institutions to people with good credit, which is used for shopping and spending at designated merchants or depositing and withdrawing cash at designated banking institutions. It is a special kind of credit certificate.