CITIC Bank credit card account points are valid for a maximum of two years and a minimum of one year
. The points are valid from the date when the points are recorded to the year starting from the first day of the December period (excluding that year) and ending on the same day (excluding the same day) as the credit card account opening date in the second year. Points that are not redeemed after the expiration date will be reset to zero. For example: If you successfully applied for a CITIC credit card on April 15, 2007, then the points generated by your purchases from April 15, 2007 to April 14, 2008 will be credited to April 15, 2009. Expiration date; points generated from consumption from April 15, 2008 to April 14, 2009 will expire on April 15, 2010. By analogy, your points will be valid for a maximum of 24 months and a minimum of 12 months. You can check your credit card statement to find out your total available points and points expiration date.