Hello! The minimum credit card repayment amount is the minimum amount stipulated by the bank that you must repay before the monthly payment due date. You may not repay the full amount but the repayment amount of each period must be greater than the minimum repayment amount. This is to maintain a good credit record. basic repayment requirements. If you choose the minimum repayment and are unable to enjoy the interest-free repayment period, all purchases in the current period will accrue interest from the recording date (usually the second day after consumption), with a daily interest rate of 0.05% until you pay it off in full. If you repay the current period's repayment amount listed on the bill in full before the payment due date, you can enjoy the interest-free period for your consumption payments. You can choose the repayment method based on your specific circumstances.
"If you have other questions, it is recommended that you add "QQ" or "WeChat" for online consultation.
Method 1: Search for "4008205555" among QQ corporate friends and add " "China Merchants Bank Credit Card Center" as a friend;
Method 2: Search the number "cmb4008205555" on WeChat and follow China Merchants Bank Credit Card Center.
For detailed instructions, please click: /Common/default.aspx ?pageid=zxkf, thank you for your attention and support! "