First, swipe your card frequently. If you use credit cards frequently, it is easy to increase the limit. Frequent card swiping in supermarkets and restaurants is very beneficial to increase the credit card limit. The more times you spend with a credit card, it naturally means that cardholders need a credit card urgently. If the cardholder can spend more than 60% of the credit limit every month, it will be easier to increase the credit limit.
Second, provide comprehensive information when you apply for a card. Real estate license, driving license, etc. It will be helpful to those who apply for a credit card for the first time, especially the real estate license, because owning a house means that the cardholder has certain economic ability. In addition, it is also helpful for cardholders to get married and have children and increase the credit card limit.
Third, repay in full and on time. Repayment in full and on time can reflect the repayment ability of credit card holders, so cardholders should repay in full and on time. If the cardholder spends too much in the current period and the bill cannot be returned in full, he can repay it in installments to ease the economic pressure.
I hope my answer is helpful to you. I wish you a happy card.