It is necessary to reasonably control the number of credit cards and not blindly handle them. Generally speaking, the number of credit cards should not exceed three. Before handling a credit card, you must carefully read the contract contents and related commitments of the credit card. If you don't want to use the card after handling it, the safest way is to call the bank customer service to cancel the card.
The overdraft limit of credit card is not as high as possible. Financial experts suggest that the total amount of ordinary people's credit cards should not exceed the income of the cardholder for 6 to 12 months.
When using credit card to pay by installment, be sure to ask about the interest rate and handling fee. Be sure to check the bill when you repay, and don't miss or underpay it.
Bian Xiao Tip: The reason why the credit card was blocked.
1. Incorrect channel for card handling: If information is submitted through an intermediary, the card will be blocked directly as long as it is suspected.
2. Single card swiping location: repeat the operation on the same POS machine for several months.
3. The credit card limit is incorrect: for example, the credit card limit 10000 will be swiped on the pos machine once activated.
4. Card swiping frequency: swiping the same card on the same capping machine on a fixed date every month takes up bank funds.
5. Doubtful card swiping time: there are transactions beyond normal business hours, such as transactions in the wholesale market after work.
6. Doubtful consumption amount: too many people use Alipay as a payment agent in a short time, such as CITIC's single highest 1000, multiple transactions of 998,995,899,999 and other similar figures.
7. Integer single transaction: such as 10000, 50000, 100050, 200040, 9998, 9995, 1999.50, 10200, 20400, etc.
8. day trading: The same card has transactions at two or more terminals within 30 minutes, whether successful or not, including balance inquiry.
While the credit card brings us convenience, please don't abuse it at will to avoid unnecessary trouble.