If your credit card is used improperly, it may become overdue. Under normal circumstances, after a credit card is overdue, it will have a certain impact on future bank loans or re-applying for cards. Especially those that are overdue for more than 90 days will be directly blacklisted. If the credit card is overdue for more than 90 days, can I no longer apply for it? In fact, there is still a chance. Let’s find out the specific situation together.
1. Clear bad records
The adverse effects caused by credit cards are not completely irreversible. You can also save your credit record through record overwriting.
Because only the credit card records within the last 2 years are displayed, if the credit card is overdue, don’t rush to cancel it. You should stick to it for 2 years and cover it with new and good records during these two years. If you have a bad record, you can achieve good credit, and there will naturally be no problems in applying for a card.
2. Proof of assets
If you want to apply for a credit card in less than two years, although overdue records are a big obstacle, it is not completely impossible. After all, banks The review standards are different, and you can apply for a credit card from other aspects.
Normally, if you explain to the bank that the previous overdue payment was not intentional and have been paid off, and then provide certain asset certificates to prove that you have sufficient repayment ability, the bank may give you When approving a card, it doesn’t matter if the limit is low. You can also increase the limit later by raising the card.