If the credit card is over-repaid, that is, the money returned is more than the repayment amount shown in the bill, then the extra money will form an overpayment in the card. The overpayment will be given priority in the subsequent credit card consumption of customers.
if the overpayment is not used up by swiping the card afterwards, the rest will continue to be used for the repayment of the next bill until the overpayment is used up.
and you can rest assured that credit card overpayment will generally not bring any adverse effects. However, if the customer wants to withdraw the overpayment later, the bank may charge a certain fee (specifically subject to the regulations of the issuing bank, for example, the self-service overpayment of China Merchants Bank Credit Card Pocket Life APP will be exempted from the fee; Customer service manual overpayment recovery fee is .5% of the recovery amount).
also, if there is no transaction in the credit card account for a long time, the overpayment may become bad debts. It is suggested that customers should pay back according to the repayment amount shown in the bill. Don't pay more, and try to pay off in full, at least with the minimum repayment amount to avoid overdue.