For a card with a 16-digit card number, the card level can be determined based on the first 6 digits of the card number (if there are multiple cards under the name, the card with the highest level will be used as the customer level):
General cards: 955550, 622580, 622588, 621483 (IC card or M card);
Gold cards: 622609 (UnionPay), 468203 ( VISA international debit card), 512425 (MasterCard international debit card), 621485 (IC card);
Golden Sunflower Card (VIP VIP Card): 621286 (UnionPay) , 410062 (VISA international debit card), 524011 (MasterCard international debit card), 621486 (UnionPay IC card);
Diamond IC card: 623126 (UnionPay), 410062 (VISA international debit card), 524011 (MasterCard international debit card);
Private bank IC card: 623136 (UnionPay), 524011 (MasterCard international debit card) ).
It is recommended that you contact the credit card customer service for verification of your credit card number information;
Warm reminder that there are currently a small number of all-in-one cards with 12-digit card numbers, which are old versions of China Merchants Bank ordinary cards.