If you have not paid off your credit card, there are three ways to do it. 1. When proposing marriage, take the initiative to call the bank staff and apply for a deferral of repayment for a few days. If you find that you cannot repay the money, you must proactively call the bank to apply for a few days in advance and find a good reason. Generally, defer for a few days. It is possible. But don’t delay the repayment for two or three days without calling. Although there is a grace period for repayment, you still need to talk to the bank first.
2. Call the bank to apply for bill installment. Banks prefer cardholders to apply for bill installment, because although bill installment can alleviate the short-term repayment pressure, bill installment is equivalent to doing After taking out a loan, the installment fees are still quite high. Appropriate bill installments are helpful to increase the limit and maintain the card. It is best to pay about 30% of the bill installment amount. If the installment is too low, the bank will not make money. If the installment is too high, the bank will feel that we have no money and the cost is too expensive. 30% is the best golden ratio. . If it is really difficult to turn over funds in a short period of time, then get more money in installments, and you may have to pay a certain amount of extra interest. You can weigh it yourself.
3. Apply to the bank for repayment with the minimum amount. If you really cannot afford to repay the credit card, you can apply for the minimum repayment. This will alleviate your current short-term repayment pressure to a certain extent. However, it is worth noting that the bank calculates interest on the full amount, and the minimum repayment interest is very high.