Accounting English Vocabulary
Accounting English is an essential tool for the career development of accounting professionals. Learning accounting professional English is to learn how to use English to solve and complete foreign-related professional problems and tasks in accounting practice.
1. Assets
Current assets
Monetary funds Cash and cash equivalents
Cash in bank
Other cash and cash equivalents
Other city Cash in bank
Cashier's cheque
Bank draft
Credit card
L/C Guarantee deposits
Deposits Investment funds Refundable deposits
Short-term investments
Stock Short-term investments - stock
Bonds Short-term investments - corporate bonds
Fund Short-term investments - corporate funds
Other Short-term investments - other
Short-term investments falling price reserves
Account receivable
Note receivable
Bank acceptance
Trade acceptance
Receivable Dividend receivable
Interest receivable
Account receivable
Other notes receivable
Bad debt Prepare Bad debt reserves
Advance money
Cover deficit by state subsidies of receivable
Supplies purchasing
Raw materials
Low-value consumption goods
Materials Materials cost variance
Self-made semi-finished goods
Finished goods
Differences between purchasing and selling price
Work in process - outsourced
Consigned goods Tr
ust to and sell the goods on a commission basis
Commissioned and sell the goods on a commission basis
Inventory falling price reserves
Collect money and send out the goods by stages
Deferred and prepaid expenses
Long-term investment Long-term investment
Long-term equity Investment Long-term investment on stocks
Investment on stocks
Other investment on stocks
Long-term investment on bonds < /p>
Investment on bonds
Other investment on bonds
Long-term investments depreciation reserves
Stock rights investment depreciation reserves
Bcreditor's rights investment depreciation reserves
Entrust loans
Depreciation reserves
Fixed assets
Building Building
Structure < /p>
Machinery equipment
Transportation facilities
Instruments and implement
Accumulated depreciation
Fixed assets depreciation reserves
Building/structure depreciation reserves
Machinery equipment depreciation reserves
< p> Project goods and materialSpecial-purpose material
Special-purpose equipment
Prepayments for equipment
p>Preparative instruments
and implement for fabricate
Erection works
Erecting equipment-in-process
Technical innovation project
General overhaul project
Construction-in-process depreciation reserves
Fixed Liquidation of fixed assets
Intangible assets
Trademarks , Trade names
Land use rights Tenure
Intangible Assets depreciation reserves < /p>
Patent rights depreciation reserves
Trademark rights depreciation reserves
Unacknowledged financial charges
< p> Wait deal assets loss or incomeLong-term deferred and prepaid expenses
Wait deal assets loss or income < /p>
Wait deal intangible assets loss or income
Wait deal fixed assets loss or income
2. Liabilities Liability
Current liability
Short-term borrowing
Notes payable
Bank acceptance
p>Trade acceptance
Account payable
Deposit received
Proxy sale goods revenue
Accrued wages
Accrued welfarism
Dividends payable
Tax payable
Value added tax payable
<p> Withholdings on VAT
Paying tax
Unpaid VAT changeover
Tax deduction
Output tax Substituted money on VAT
Tax reimbursement for export
Input tax transferred out Changeover withnoldings on VAT
Export tax deduction for domestic consumption Export deduct domestic sales goods tax
Overpaid VAT changeover
Unpaid VAT
Business tax payable tax payable
Consumption tax payable
Resources tax payable
Income tax payable
Should Increment tax on land value payable
Tax for maintaining and building cities payable
Housing property tax payable
< p> Land use tax Tenure tax payableVehicle and vessel usage license plate tax (VVULPT) payable
Personal income tax payable p>
Other fund in conformity with paying
Other payables
Drawing expense in advance
Other liabilities Other liabilities
Pending changerover assets value
Anticipation liabilities
Long-term Liabilities
Long-term borrowings Long-term loans
Long-term loans due within one year
Long-term loans due over one year
Bonds payable
Face value, Par value
Premium on bonds
Discount on bonds < /p>
Accrued interest
Long-term account payable
Accrued financial lease outlay
Long-term account payable due within one year
Due after one year Long-term account payable over one year
Special payable
Special payable due within one year Long-term special payable due within one year
Long-term special payable over one year
Deferral taxes
Paid-up capital (or stock)
Paid-up capital Paicl-up capital
Paid-up stock
Investment Returned
Capital reserve
Capital reserve
Capital (or Cpital(or Stock) premium
Receive non-cash donate reserve
Equity investment reserve Stock right investment reserves
Appropriation Transfer to Allocate sums changeover in
Foreign currency capital
Other capital reserve
Surplus reserves
Legal surplus
Free surplus reserves
Legal public welfare fund
Reserve fund
Enterprise expansion fund
Profits capitalizad on return of investment
Current year profits
p>Profit distribution
Other chengeover in
Withdrawal legal surplus
Withdrawal legal public welfare funds
Withdrawal reserve fund
Withdrawal reserve fund for business expansion
Withdrawal staff and workers' bonus and welfare fund
Profits capitalizad on return of investment
Preferred Stock dividends payable
Withdrawal other common accumulation fund
Common Stock dividends payable
Common Stock dividends change converted into capital (or equity) to assets (or stock)
Undistributed profit
4. Cost category Cost
Cost of manufacture
Basic Base cost of manufacture
Auxiliary cost of manufacture
Manufacturing overhead
Management personnel Executive Salaries
Retirement allowance
Outsourcing fee
Employee benefits/welfare
Conference fees Coferemce
Overtime meals Special duties
Intra-city transportation Business traveling
Communication Correspondence
Telephone Correspondence
Water and Steam
Taxes and dues
Management fee Maintenance
Vehicle maintenance fee Vehicles maintenance
Fuel fee Vehicles maintenance
Training fee Education and training
Reception Entertainment fee
Books and printing
Insurance premium
Payment commission
Sundry charges
Depreciation expense
Article of consumption
Labor protection fees
Loss on seasonality cessation
<p> Service costs
5. Profit and loss
Business income OPERATING INCOME
Main business Prime operating revenue
Product sales revenue Sales revenue
Service revenue
Other operating revenue
Material sales Sales materials
Purchasing and selling
Wrappage lease
Remise right of assets revenue
Reimbursement of income tax of income tax
Other revenue
Investment income
Short-term investment income Current investment income
Long-term investment income Long- term investment income
Withdrawal of entrust loan reserves
Subsidize revenue
Subsidize revenue from country < /p>
Other subsidize revenue
Non-operating income NON-OPERATING INCOME
Non-cash deal income
Cash overage
Net income on disposal of fixed assets
Income on sales of intangible assets
Fixed assets Fixed assets inventory profit
Net amercement income
Business expenses Revenue charges
Main business costs Operating costs
Cost of goods sold
Cost of service
Main business taxes and additional Tax and associate charge
< p> Sales taxConsumption tax
Tax for maintaining and building cities
Resources tax
Increment tax on land value
Other business expenses
Sales of other materials
Other cost of material sale
Other cost of service
Other tax and associate charge
p>Operating expenses
Consignment commission charge
Insurance premium
Exhibition fees
Advertising fees
Administrative expenses
Staff Salaries
Repair charge
p>Article of consumption amortization
Office allowance
Traveling expense
Labor union expenditure
Research and development expense
Employee benefits/welfare
Personnel education
Unemployment insurance < /p>
Labor insurance
Medical insurance
Conference fees Coferemce
Intermediary agencies fees
Consult fees
Legal cost
Business entertainment
Technology transfer fees
Mineral resources compensation fees
Pollution discharge fees
Housing property tax
Vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax( VVULPT)
Tenure tax
Stamp tax
Finance charge
Interest exchange
Foreign exchange loss
Charge for trouble
Special-borrowing cost
Nonbusiness expenditure
Donation expenditureDonatio
n outlay
Depreciation reserves
Extraordinary loss
Net loss on disposal of fixed assets
< p>Loss on sales of intangible assetsFixed assets inventory loss
Loss on debt restructuring
Amercement outlay
Income tax
Prior year income adjustment
Consistency substance over form
materiality prudence
current asset non-current asset non-current asset
round it up, round it down rounding contingent liability
creditor creditor rendering of service royalties royalty
bonus share redempte share redemption share debenture bond
credit lender depreciation depreciation residual value residual value
accounting treatment accounting treatment accrual concept accrual concept
net book value straight line method straight line method
carrying amount net asset value (asset - accumulated depreciation - impairment) p>
rule of thumb empirical method contribution margin
deferred income deferred income finance lease finance lease
cash equivalents cash equivalents operating lease operating lease
< p>capital appreciation capital appreciation amortization apportionmentincremental budget incremental budget zero based budget zero-based budget
continuous budget rolling budget deferred tax deferred tax
permanent difference permanent difference timing difference timing difference
flow through method tax payable method
events after balance sheet date events after balance sheet date
return on investment (ROI) return on investment
profit before interest and tax profit before interest and tax
margin profit margin retrospective application retrospective adjustment method
prospective application prospective application method;