To apply for a credit card, you need to fill in your personal valid identity information, work information and financial information. If you have other financial proof, you can fax it to the bank. When applying for a China Merchants Bank credit card online, you do not need to provide written information, but you must fill in your personal information truthfully. The application process is:
1. Log in to China Merchants Bank Credit Card Online Banking and select your favorite card;
2. Click "Credit Card Application";
3. Select Suitable application process. Currently, China Merchants Bank has set up two application processes for new customers and existing customers;
4. Fill in personal information so that the application can be approved;
5. Submit to China Merchants Bank When applying for a credit card, China Merchants Bank will review the appointment information and generally notify you of the processing results within 7 working days.
Points to note when applying for a China Merchants Bank credit card online:
1. When applying for a China Merchants Bank credit card online, you need to fill in your company phone number, mobile phone number and other personal valid documents. Be sure to fill it out accurately and remember it so that you can activate your China Merchants Bank credit card in the future.
2. If you are already a China Merchants Bank credit card holder, you only need to fill in simple application information. At the same time, print the application materials, sign them, and mail them to the Credit Card Center.