Nowadays, many young people are accustomed to using credit cards for consumption. Major banks will launch some credit cards with new benefits every once in a while. Generally, banks will give gifts or recommend gifts when applying for credit cards, which attracts many People apply for credit cards, but some cardholders do not activate them after successfully applying for credit cards. Will there be any adverse effects if so many credit cards have not been activated?
If multiple credit cards have not been activated, the following adverse consequences will occur:
1. Annual fees will be incurred. Although the China Banking Regulatory Commission stipulates that banks are not allowed to charge cardholders any fees before the credit card is activated, this does not mean that all credit cards that are not activated will not incur annual fees. If it is a platinum card or a customized card, an annual fee may be incurred even if it is not activated. Because the card production cost of this type of bank card is relatively high, the bank will charge an annual fee after issuing the card. If it is not activated, the annual fee may be incurred. If it is overdue, it will affect your personal credit report.
2. There is a risk of fraud. Unactivated credit cards are also at risk of theft. Some criminals use the Internet to purchase personal information, forge ID cards, and then use loopholes in bank customer service to activate the credit card, thus stealing the credit card. Once the credit card is stolen, the cardholder property will be lost.
3. Impact on personal credit reporting. A credit card does not have a credit record only after it has been used. Only when we successfully apply for a credit card will there be a corresponding record on our credit record. Even if the credit card has not been activated, the credit card approval time will also be recorded on the credit record. And the initial limit, and there will be a record such as "The card has not been activated yet". If you have multiple unactivated credit cards in your name, you may be rejected by the bank when you apply for a loan or credit card later, because the bank may think that you do not really have a need for funds.
4. I basically refuse to apply for a card again. If we successfully apply for a credit card from a certain bank but do not activate it, or cancel it directly before it is activated, then if we apply for a credit card from this bank in the future, the bank will basically reject it directly. Of course, if your bank has a relatively large turnover and can provide proof of financial resources, then the bank may still give you a card for such high-quality customers.
It can be seen that the impact of deactivating a credit card is still relatively large, so when applying for a credit card, you must carefully consider whether you need to apply for a card, and choose your own credit card based on your actual situation. , you don’t need to blindly apply for more cards, otherwise it will be detrimental to you if you apply for too many cards and they will not be activated.