1. Please sign on the back of the card after application. When spending by credit card, don't let the bank card leave sight, pay attention to the cashier's credit card times, and avoid losses caused by mistakes or too many credit cards.
2. When entering the password of credit card consumption, try to cover the operation to prevent the offenders from peeping.
When you get the shopping list and card returned by the cashier, carefully check whether the amount on the shopping list is correct and whether it is your own card.
4. Keep the transaction documents properly. In case of abnormal circumstances such as repeated deduction, you can contact our bank in time with the transaction documents and statements. If the credit card transaction has been cancelled and cash payment is used instead, the merchant shall be required to tear up the credit card shopping list and keep the cash payment voucher.
Please check the credit card usage in time after receiving the bank card bill. If you have any questions, please call the customer service hotline in time.