Friends who have applied for a credit card in the bank know that after receiving your card application information, the bank will pay a telephone call back to the applicant according to the information filled in the application form. Don't underestimate this return call, you know, it is related to whether to approve the card, the amount of the card and the level of the card. The bank will comprehensively evaluate the applicant's personal qualifications according to your return visit. So how can we answer the bank's credit card return call? Don't miss these methods to improve the success rate of applying for a card!
under normal circumstances, if the applicant has passed the preliminary examination of the bank's credit card, the relevant staff will call the applicant's work unit landline or contact number to confirm the information, and then let the applicant answer it in person. If the phone is disconnected or no one answers, it will directly affect the credit card approval results. Therefore, during the period of applying for a credit card, users must inform their company administration or relatives and friends in advance, so as to avoid missing the goods and refusing to answer the bank's return call.
The question of credit card return visit mainly focuses on the basic information filled in by the applicant when applying for the card, such as the cardholder's home address, family members, home address and telephone number, company address, ID number, current position, working years, etc. For these questions, you only need to answer them truthfully according to the specific information filled in the form when applying. If you are worried about missing or remembering wrong, you can take photos when filling out the application form, and then compare them with each other when answering questions. Or let the bank call later on the grounds that the signal is not good, and then use this time to sort out your thoughts and think about how you should answer.