first of all, if the credit card is returned one month after it is overdue, the bank will submit the overdue record to the personal credit reporting agency, which will have a certain impact on the credit record. However, as long as the overdue payment is paid off in time, the credit card account has not been closed, and it can usually continue to be used.
Secondly, banks will generally consider the applicant's credit history when reviewing credit card applications, including whether there are overdue records. After overdue payment, the credit record will be gradually restored, and it will be restored compared with that before overdue, but the specific recovery time will vary according to personal credit record and bank policy.
Generally speaking, although the overdue credit card will have a certain impact on the credit record, it can still be used as long as it is not frozen or closed by the bank. After overdue, timely repayment is important, and avoiding overdue again will be more conducive to credit repair.
Extended information:
Overdue repayment will have a negative impact on personal credit records, which may include the decline of credit score, difficulties in loan approval, credit card quota adjustment, interest rate increase, etc. Personal credit records are mainly managed and recorded by the Credit Information Center of the People's Bank of China. Banks and other financial institutions will submit credit information to the credit center, and the credit center will generate personal credit reports based on this information for financial institutions and other credit institutions to inquire.
in addition, each bank has different policies for handling overdue repayment, so it is suggested to contact the bank as soon as possible after the overdue repayment to learn about the specific repayment requirements and subsequent treatment measures. Paying off overdue payments in time and ensuring timely repayment in the future is one of the important ways to maintain good credit. Abiding by the rules of credit card use and using credit cards reasonably and cautiously can better maintain personal credit records.
the above is the answer to the question, I hope it will help you. If you have any other questions, please continue to ask them.