Nowadays, taking out a loan to buy a house is an important way for ordinary people to obtain large, low-interest loans from banks. In fact, it is also the only way.
However, if you really want to get a large low-interest loan quickly, you must rely on some "hard goods."
Yes, it is bank flow and a hurdle that cannot be bypassed for loans.
Generally speaking, when an individual applies for a mortgage or car loan, in addition to providing proof of income, the bank also requires you to submit 3 to 6 months of bank statements. If not, the loan may be rejected. Big!
In addition, there are some situations that will also affect your loan to buy a house, and they are very close to you!
Alipay flow is invalid!
With the public With the upgrade of financial management concepts, monetary funds similar to Yu'E Bao have now become the standard for monthly financial management. Many people have become accustomed to transferring their money to Yu'E Bao as soon as their salary is paid.
But I have to pour cold water on it. This kind of "transfer as soon as it comes" will affect the bank's flow assessment when loaning!
As soon as the salary is paid, it will be transferred to Yu'e Bao immediately. The bank is likely to think that you have large fixed expenses every month and thus doubt your ability to repay!
Although Alipay has also begun to provide transaction certificate services, there are very few banks that recognize online third-party payment transactions. Only a few banks with large lending quotas will admit it and have strict requirements!
In addition, many people think that bank flow is the "deposits, deposits and withdrawals" of funds, and they smartly believe that flow can quickly "control" "In fact, banks do not recognize this kind of fast-in and fast-out transactions!
For example, these transactions:
1. Deposit and withdrawal;
2. Deposit less and withdraw more. If you deposit 1,000 yuan and withdraw 5,000 yuan, the balance in the card is too low; 3. There is no cash flow in the account for two months in half a year;
4. Alipay cash flow and WeChat payment cash flow etc.;
5. Credit card turnover.
Basically all are invalid.
Then the question is, if you want to get a loan to buy a house, how do you pass the bank transaction?
Workplace and income are very important
Speaking of workplace and occupation situation, many people are complaining that this is banks engaging in industrial job discrimination. It is true that this approach will indeed cause a lot of criticism, but the bank is justified out of consideration of its own risks. If one day you are unable to repay the loan normally due to a change in work, it will be very detrimental to you and the bank.
Generally speaking, compared with ordinary wage earners, people who work in state-owned enterprises and Fortune 500 companies receive higher loan amounts, because such employees have stable workplaces and lending institutions do not need to worry. They "run away".
When banks approve mortgages, they will focus on the industry in which the borrower is engaged. Generally, people in industries such as teachers, doctors, finance, etc. will have higher scores; employees working in sales positions and service industries The amount you can get when applying for a loan is lower because the income of this type of borrower is unstable and the liquidity is relatively large; however, it is often difficult for people in high-risk industries such as aerial work, hazardous chemicals, and fireworks and firecracker industries to get loans. This is because banks consider that the lives of such people are in danger at any time and cannot guarantee loan repayment on time. In order to avoid risks, banks will choose to refuse loans to such people.
Banks mainly look at income when reviewing a borrower's repayment ability. If the borrower's income in the past six months is stable and high, the loan amount obtained will also be high. At the same time, compared with those whose wages are paid in cash, borrowers who can provide salary statements issued by banks for the past six months or more are more likely to obtain loans.
If the bank, when reviewing the borrower's financial situation, believes that the repayment amount has exceeded 50% of the borrower's monthly family income, it will cautiously approve the loan amount or even refuse to approve the loan.
How to increase the loan amount if the turnover is insufficient?
In fact, as long as the difference is not much, there is no problem.
For example, if the salary flow is not enough, you can ask the company to issue an income certificate to make up for it, indicating how much bonus will be paid in cash, etc.
In addition, married people can provide the couple with the same monthly income, and singles can take a detour...
There are also college students who are eager to "get on the bus". Parents can be asked to apply for a loan as co-repayers.
However, this method has a drawback. Banks may take the opportunity to raise mortgage interest rates.
For example, using credit cards for consumption has become commonplace nowadays. Many people have high credit card limits because they have a fixed income. Many people have credit card limits of more than RMB 50,000. Some of them are as high as nearly RMB 100,000 after being raised.
As everyone knows, the credit card limit is actually equivalent to the loan limit pre-approved by the bank. Using this limit is actually using the loan limit. Using this limit is equivalent to borrowing from the bank, which will affect your life. Go to the bank to buy a house with a provident fund loan. Therefore, it is recommended that friends who have plans to buy a house pay off all credit card debts before taking a loan to buy a house, and then apply for a mortgage from the bank.
On the other hand, with the rapid development of Internet finance, cash lending products such as "Jiebei" and "Weilidai" have also appeared in apps such as Alipay and WeChat that are often used on our mobile phones. Due to this Such products often have the advantages of fast payment time and can be installmentd, etc., and are favored by many young people, especially some people have been able to reach hundreds of thousands or even 200,000 yuan.
But when we use these products to borrow money for consumption, we will also encounter situations similar to credit cards, and the use of such products will also cause our mortgage limit to be occupied. In other words, when a lender applies for a loan, the bank will give the lender a credit limit through the rating. If the lender has already lent part of the funds in advance through products such as "Jiebei" and "Weilidai", the bank will approve the credit limit. This part of the amount will be subtracted from the original amount, which will virtually reduce the actual loan amount approved by the lender.