The cash advance limit is set according to your card usage, which is included in the credit limit of the credit card. The maximum withdrawal limit of bank credit card can reach 100% of the actual limit.
Domestic advance, the daily advance cash amount of each card using the credit line shall not exceed 2000 yuan; Each card can be withdrawn from the ATM at most 5000 yuan per day, and all excess parts+"2000" can be withdrawn at most at the counter.
1, Bank of Communications needs to last for half a year, and the monthly credit card spending should be above 60%.
2. Repay in full every installment for half a year.
3. No overdue and timely repayment.
4. There is no cash record (the bank has a suspected cash record)
5. Go to the shopping mall, supermarket and restaurant cooperated by Bank of Communications.
6. Minimize online transactions.
The above points will definitely be mentioned after half a year. The probability of withdrawing cash from low-value cards of Bank of Communications is relatively low, and it is not supported to apply for withdrawal by telephone.