Because they have no experience in handling credit cards before, many friends are worried that they will be turned away by the bank. It is undeniable that the current banks have indeed lowered the threshold for applying for credit cards, and the pass rate has also increased significantly. However, many users still have their applications rejected due to qualification reasons. So what should I do to make it easier to get my first credit card?
What should I do to make it easier to get my first credit card?
1. For users who are applying for a credit card for the first time, the card This choice is extremely important, because there are no other credit cards as a reference, so the bank's review will be stricter in disguise. If your qualifications are not particularly outstanding, you can apply for a low-end card first to ensure that you can pass it smoothly. After applying for the card, you can prove your willingness and ability to repay to the bank through good card usage behavior, and then apply for a higher-end credit card.
2. If you have a stable job, you can apply online or offline as long as you can provide your salary statement for the last year. However, if you do not have a stable job, the card application channels you can choose are very limited. Try to be online as much as possible, because online card application requires lower qualification review requirements for users, but at the same time, the card types provided are also limited. Not as comprehensive as offline.
3. For users who are applying for a credit card for the first time, the bank will strictly review your qualifications, so everyone must ensure that there is no problem with their credit report, especially within the past two years. You need to make sure that there are no obvious taint records in the credit report, or there is a problem with data consumption, otherwise it will reduce the credit card application process.
4. If you usually have business dealings with the bank, such as salary payment and mortgage housing. For loans, etc., choose these banks as much as possible. Because everyone in these banks is a high-quality customer, the approval rate for applying for a credit card is higher. Under the same circumstances, it is recommended to give priority to local commercial banks, which can further improve the credit card approval rate.
If you can do the above points when applying for a credit card, you will basically be able to apply for the card smoothly.