The National Day holiday has no impact on the last payment date of the credit card. The amount to be repaid by the cardholder must be paid before the last payment date, otherwise the credit card will be overdue and a credit report will be filed. . It has the following effects on individuals.
No longer enjoy interest-free repayment.
Affect personal credit record
Seriously overdue, huge amounts can also constitute a crime due to "malicious overdraft".
If you are overdue for more than three months or fail to repay more than two bank reminders, the bank will freeze your card and list you as a prohibited customer (blacklist), and will also sue you for your credit card. Fraud and malicious overdrafts are subject to court enforcement.
The personal impact of an occasional overdue credit card is not too serious, as long as you pay off the credit card in time, you can make up for it. If you are overdue no more than 4 times in a year, the impact on the individual will not be too great. If you are overdue for three consecutive months or even seven months, you will not be able to make any bank loans or credit loans in the past five years.