This depends on how much you overdraft. If you say that you have overdrafted your repayment ability, it certainly means that you do not have the ability to pay off your credit card. On the other hand, it makes more sense to shop on your own. There are not many overdraft credit cards, so it is not difficult to pay off the debt.
I will consider it, but I may not do it.
The reason why I don’t want to apply for a credit card
First, third-party payment is grabbing the market.
Third-party payment is really not too popular now. Huabei, Jiebei, Jingdong Baitiao, Weilidai, etc. can all replace credit cards, and compared with the troublesome procedures of applying for a credit card, these credit card services are more convenient. In terms of simplicity, users’ desire to apply for credit cards continues to decrease.
Second, credit card application scenarios are limited
When you use other platforms, especially large platform products, you can increase your credit system in this platform and get some discounts or Gift. However, credit card points may only be effective if they cooperate with fixed merchants. Moreover, various banking systems are not interoperable. You can’t carry a dozen cards with you every time you go shopping.
But it is different if you open Huabei on Taobao. It can be used by the platform or the merchants that connect with it outside the platform. This has many more uses than a credit card.
Third, there are too many pitfalls in credit cards.
In the process of using credit cards, banks have set up many traps for users to fall into if they are not careful.
As long as you exceed 10,000 yuan, the bank will call you and tell you about various benefits such as points and gifts in installments, but they will only tell you the benefits of installments, not the high cost of installments. Handling fee.
There are many similar scenarios where cardholders seem to be taking advantage, but actually have to pay more.
Many credit card holders are reluctant to use credit cards just because they have suffered several losses.