Nowadays, more and more people use credit cards, mainly because they are in an environment of advanced consumption. Therefore, many people use monthly credit cards to achieve their desire for advanced consumption. Now some card friends are asking, if the credit card statement has not been issued, can I repay it in advance? Let’s take a look at the answer below!
Can I repay the credit card in advance if the credit card statement has not been issued?
You can repay in advance before the credit card statement comes out, and no handling fees will be charged. After early repayment, the credit limit of the credit card will also be restored. For example, the credit card limit is 10,000 yuan, the cardholder has used 4,000 yuan, and the remaining available limit is 6,000 yuan. After the cardholder repays the 4,000 yuan, the available limit becomes 10,000 yuan again.
In addition to being able to repay in advance, if the cardholder does not have the money to repay in full on the repayment date, he can also choose to repay in installments and only needs to pay a certain installment fee. It is worth noting that even if the loan is repaid in installments, the cardholder can repay it in advance as long as he has enough money to repay it in full, but the installment fee for early repayment still needs to be paid. However, there is no early repayment fee. In addition, if the cardholder's repayment amount exceeds the bill amount, the excess payment is called overpayment, and the cardholder will default to using the overpayment first when using the credit card for consumption.