Apply for installment repayment and extension.
1. Apply for installment repayment: Guangxi Rongxin Yi series credit cards can apply for installment repayment from the bank, and the repayment amount is divided into several installments. The repayment amount in each installment is smaller, which reduces the repayment pressure. Therefore, if the Guangxi Rural Credit Card Easy Series Credit Card expires and you still have no money left in full, you can apply for installment repayment.
2. Apply for extension: If Guangxi Rural Credit Union cannot repay all the money within the specified time, it can apply for extension service from the bank. The extension can extend the repayment period, but it needs to ensure that it can raise funds within the extension period. obtain sufficient funds. Therefore, if the Guangxi Rural Credit Card Easy Series Credit Card expires and you still have no money left in full, you can apply for an extension.