Usually 4s stores don't want consumers to buy cars with credit cards. The main reason is that consumers use credit cards to pay for car purchases, and 4s stores have to pay the handling fee for swiping credit cards. The handling fee for credit card swiping is usually 0.6%, and the cost of buying a car is higher, so the handling fee will be much higher. For example, if the price of a car bought by a customer is 200,000 yuan, then the handling fee to be paid by a 4s shop is 200,000× 0.6% =1.200 yuan.
However, although 4s stores don't want customers to buy cars with credit cards, according to relevant regulations, 4s stores have no right to restrict consumers' payment methods. If you use a credit card to buy a car in a 4s shop, you can go to the industrial and commercial supervision department or other relevant departments to complain about rights protection.