First, it saves the trouble of carrying cash. Credit card consumption avoids the trouble of paying cash in the past, and there is no need to worry about the danger of carrying too much cash with you. Users can spend first and then repay, which is very helpful in the case of insufficient capital turnover.
Second, you can participate in various discount activities. Many businesses have cooperation with banks. Consumers can take credit cards with them and enjoy discounts and other preferential activities. Customers can save money and get points. Why not? This is why many young people like to swipe their credit cards when they go out to spend money.
First, irrational consumption. It is precisely because credit cards are convenient and fast to use, unlike paper money, which looks very distressed. Some irrational consumers tend to spend blindly, spend money like water, and finally regret it when they repay.
Second, the interest is high. Everyone knows that every bank's credit card has a repayment date. If the user fails to pay off the current arrears before the final repayment date, he needs to pay bank interest and late fees.
There is an annual fee for credit cards. Every bank's credit card has an annual fee. Generally, banks will launch the activity of "swiping the card six times a year to avoid the annual fee for the next year" to encourage users to swipe their cards in disguise, otherwise they will charge an annual fee for the next year.
The above are the advantages and disadvantages of handling credit cards. The most important thing to pay attention to when using credit cards is rational consumption.