There are many ways to repay credit cards. You can repay through active deductions from the system. At this time, you need to bind the credit card to a savings card in advance, that is to say, use online banking to pay on the savings card account. What does adding a credit card mean?
What does adding a credit card mean?
A credit card added to a bank card generally refers to one added to your online banking account. The card type listed below is credit card. It is convenient to manage bank cards under your name at the same time. You no longer need to enter the card number to log in to check the card status on online banking. You only need to select any added bank card to check the card status. If the added bank card is a credit card, you can directly check the card status. Repay through the attached savings card.
The purpose of adding a credit card is to bind a savings card to realize automatic repayment, so as to avoid overdue payment due to forgetting the repayment time. However, it should be noted that the added credit card must be added to the online banking registration card business at a bank outlet, and you need to bring your ID card to the outlet for processing. Also, the added card must be the same name as the online banking account and must be a bank card of the same person as you, and cannot be someone else's or a credit card from another bank.