Credit card invalidation will affect credit investigation. It usually means that the credit card has been charged. If the credit card is not activated, there is no way to repay it, only overdue. If it is overdue, it will generate credit, which can be summarized as three points:
1. As long as you apply for a credit card, whether you can apply for a card or not will be recorded in the credit information system;
2. Credit cards generate annual fees, especially high-end credit cards or some special cards. If not activated, the annual fee will be deducted from the credit card limit. Non-repayment is overdue, which will lead to bad credit;
3. Credit cards with special technology, such as some DIY cards, will have a card-making fee, which is generally around 50 yuan, and this fee is directly deducted from the credit card. Similarly, if it is not activated, it will not be repaid, and overdue will also affect credit.
So don't blindly handle the card, so as not to waste resources. If you don't want to use the applied credit card, you'd better cancel it decisively. However, there are also some things to pay attention to when canceling a credit card account, such as whether you can apply again and whether it will affect your credit information.