Many people now apply for credit cards, because credit cards can directly make advanced purchases, which is very convenient for many people. If you encounter daily expenses that have not been paid but must be paid, you can When using a credit card, there are many credit card issuing banks. Some friends want to apply for a Bank of Beijing credit card.
What are the safe ways to apply for a Bank of Beijing credit card?
How to safely apply for a Bank of Beijing credit card:
1. You can apply on the Bank of Beijing website or go directly to the counter. Do not entrust others or illegal intermediaries to handle it on your behalf, or provide unauthentic information. Please use your personal information to apply for a card to avoid negative impact on personal credit status;
2. When applying for a card through door-to-door personnel, marketing outlets, bank employees, etc., you must verify the identity of the other party, such as checking work documents etc., to prevent criminals from stealing personal information;
3. The words "only for applying for Bank of Beijing credit cards" and the date can be marked on the application documents such as copies of ID cards and income certificates to ensure that the information is special purpose.
Requirements for applying for a Bank of Beijing credit card:
1. Be at least 18 years old;
2. Have full capacity for civil conduct;
3. Have a stable and legal source of income;
4. Have good credit standing;
5. Meet other conditions stipulated by China’s financial regulatory agencies.
The main cardholder of the personal card can apply for an additional card for other qualified natural persons. The applicant for the additional card must be over 14 years old, and the additional card must be the parent or spouse of the main cardholder. or children.