Credit cards are used to borrow money and spend money. Don’t put money in them. Deposit cards are used to save money. If you save too much, it is called "overpayment", but it can also be used for credit card purchases.
1 This amount can increase the available limit of the credit card, or be directly used for consumption repayment;
2 If there is an overflow in the credit card, If you make a payment, the overpayment will be deducted first and then the credit limit. If the overpayment is greater than the consumption amount, it will not form an overdraft;
3 For example, if you need to repay 900 yuan in this period, the actual repayment is 1,000 yuan. Yuan, the extra 100 Yuan is the overpayment;
4 If you deposit money into the credit card in advance without consumption, then this part of the money cannot be withdrawn. If you want to withdraw it, you will Charging high handling fees should be avoided as much as possible;
5 Overpayment does not accrue interest.
You should understand, I suggest your friends never save money there again!