Generally, after you owe money, you don't make up the debt for a certain period of time. The bank will call or send a short message to collect it, so we must read it carefully before repaying it when we receive the short message. If you have any questions, you can call the manual customer service to ask, but when you call the manual customer service to ask, you must choose the customer service of Bank of official website to ask, and never follow the customer service phone number marked on the SMS to ask, which can effectively avoid telecom fraud messages. However, if you call the manual customer service number notified by SMS, you may be deceived and contact the liar.
In this developed network society, we must see clearly whether the incoming text message or the received phone call is true or not. Many elderly people will be fooled by false text messages or fraudulent phone calls. As young people, we should always identify and report this kind of telecom fraud, and at the same time, we should inform the elderly at home of the methods used in recent telecom fraud, so as to prevent the elderly from being cheated. If the old man is cheated carelessly, he must call the local public security department for help in time, and never solve this problem through himself or his friends, because telecom fraud usually has a large fraud network, and it is impossible to recover the cheated funds by himself or his friends alone.