Banks actually know about cashing out on credit cards, but as long as you don’t go too far, they will turn a blind eye, because the process of cashing out is also the process for them to make money. In most cases, if you continue to cash out, it should not last more than 6 months. The bank will also conduct risk control on you, mainly because what you do is too obvious and will also affect your economic security.
1. Banks actually turn a blind eye to cashing out credit cards
I would like to ask if any of you have credit cards now. Most young people or some in their 70s The post-80s generation will more or less have one or two credit cards in their hands. Although Huabei is also available on mobile phones, there is still a big gap between Huabei and credit cards. No matter where you go, credit cards are everywhere. It can be used, but it is not necessarily Huabei. When it comes to cashing out on credit cards, banks actually turn a blind eye, or in other words, they have an attitude in their hearts. The bank has explicitly prohibited it, but there is no way to prevent it.
2. Banks will also gain from the process of users cashing out
At the same time, what we need to know is that when all users use credit cards to cash out, banks will also gain. This profit is still relatively large. As long as they can make money, they can turn a blind eye and get by. But it is definitely not feasible to cash out all the time. The bank will retrieve your usage information within 6 months to see if there are any risks. If there is a risk, they will carry out risk control, which will cause your credit card limit to be reduced or Directly frozen.
3. We must repay on time
We must use credit cards within our own capabilities and do not use credit cards to cash out. It is meaningless and will affect our creditworthiness. In addition, after using the credit card, you must return it within the specified time, otherwise it will affect your credit report, our buying a house, a car, and even our children's schooling. Don't wait for others to freeze it. We must be proactive and strict. .