Credit cards can reduce the use of cash; credit cards can provide settlement services, facilitate shopping and consumption, and enhance a sense of security; credit cards can simplify collection procedures and save social labor; credit cards can promote product sales and stimulate social demand.
This is really not a very formulaic text. Let’s briefly explain it to everyone. First of all, as a bank, the risks extended by its lending are quite large, and the People’s Bank of China has considerable control over bad debts. Strictly speaking, as a bank, we are not willing to put all our eggs in one basket. If we think about it another way, if we grant a loan based on 1 million, how much money can we make? And there may be risks, but it has to be evenly distributed among 100 people, and the income is greater than the loan business. And because of the different national consumption concepts, it can also greatly reduce the risk. It is so fun, and the loan business does not generate income at any time. On the contrary, credit cards are different. The merchant's handling fee is divided according to 7 2 1. 7 is the issuing bank, which is the credit card issuing bank. 1 Quick Money has 70 cents of income. 2 is the acquiring bank. 1 is UnionPay. If you calculate it carefully, the credit card It is much higher than the loan yield rate, so from the bank's perspective, its proportion is still very large, it can also increase brand awareness, it will not occupy much of the bank's funds, and it can stimulate consumption. Banks are still happy to do credit card business! ~