Be careful not to let your wife transfer money to you in any way, it will become evidence. In law, whoever makes the claim must provide evidence. If a credit card is swiped unilaterally, whoever swiped the card will be responsible. There is evidence to prove it*** If you use it together, you will be responsible for it. The law serves people. It depends on how you use it. Pay special attention to the collection of money. When your wife receives the money and transfers it to you, she will leave evidence. It is best for a family to be financially independent. Today's society is very chaotic. There are many malicious overdrafts. Banks also deliberately do not take precautions, leaving The loophole is used to make people maliciously overdraft. Anyway, the bank is the winner in the end. The bank has the information. If your family is poor, you cannot overdraft. If your family has some money, they will deliberately let you overdraft, and you will end up with cramps and peeling.