Hello, of course you have to save to improve your credit. You only have 10 yuan. If you meet the following standards and have no bad credit record, you can upgrade your credit limit: 1. It must be no less than 3 months after opening the account and If the cumulative consumption is more than 500 yuan (inclusive), the credit limit can be adjusted to 500 yuan; 2. After reaching the 500 yuan limit level for no less than 3 months and the cumulative consumption is more than 500 yuan (inclusive), the credit limit can be adjusted to 1,000 yuan; 3. After reaching the 1,000 yuan credit limit, the credit limit can be adjusted to 2,000 yuan for no less than 3 months and the cumulative consumption is more than 500 yuan (inclusive). If your card meets the above conditions, you can use a phone with a fax function to dial 95588-6 to obtain a self-service quota adjustment application form. After completing the application form, fill it out and send it back, and confirm with 95588 that the return is successful. . Alternatively, you can apply directly through a live agent or with your local card issuer.