1. Transaction restrictions Some cardholders used to use credit cards frequently, but suddenly they can't spend money by credit card. Many POS machines are the same, which is likely to be restricted by banks. The biggest reason is that credit cards have abnormal transactions, or the use of credit cards has expired, which has been blacklisted by banks, which is also a precursor to the reduction of credit cards. If the Industrial Bank credit card holder fails to repay the credit card within the time limit, the bank will think that the user does not have enough repayment ability, thus reducing the credit card limit; The cardholder's credit card status is abnormal, and the bank's risk control believes that the withdrawal will lead to a decrease in the credit card limit; The credit card account is abnormal and there is a risk of theft. Banks will reduce losses by reducing the credit card limit. The above is the analysis of the reasons why Industrial Bank lowered the credit card limit. I hope it can help you. The bank said that the increase or decrease of credit cards belongs to the normal operation of credit cards and will be adjusted according to the user's credit card usage. Therefore, it is very important to keep a good record of credit card use.
2. If the credit card of Industrial Bank is overdue for a long time, or the overdue amount is huge, the issuing industrial bank will respond to and reduce the restrictions of credit card holders to prevent serious credit card overdraft caused by the risk of bad debts. Abnormal credit card accounts in industrial banks lead to credit card deduction. Most credit card accounts in industrial banks occur when credit cards are stolen. For example, when Mr. Zhuang, a netizen, traveled abroad at the beginning of the year, his credit card information was stolen by overseas criminals, resulting in tens of thousands of overseas credit cards being stolen. Industrial Bank found abnormal transactions at the first time, and after checking with Mr. Zhuang, it found that the credit card was stolen. Therefore, Industrial Bank temporarily reduced the amount of its credit card after obtaining the consent of General Manager Zhuang to prevent greater theft losses. Industrial Bank's credit card has not been used for a long time, resulting in a decrease in the amount of credit card except for the above situation.
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