Having a loan has little effect on handling credit cards, unless there is a record of overdue or non-performing loans, it will affect the approval of credit cards. If you have a loan in the bank, you can still apply for a credit card as long as you repay it on time and have sufficient economic proof and repayment ability.
Bank credit card application conditions:
① Age requirements: local residents should be 18-65 years old, and foreigners should be 25-65 years old;
2 job requirements: have a stable work unit, income and fixed residence;
③ Credit requirements: no bad credit record. The supplementary card applicant must be the parent, spouse or child of the main card holder, aged between 16-65.
Bank credit card application materials:
(1) identification information:
Copy of resident identity card or military officer's card; If you are a Hong Kong and Macao compatriot, you need to provide a copy of your mainland pass and residence certificate for more than one year; If you are a foreigner, you can provide a copy of your passport and residence permit for more than one year.
② Proof of work and income:
Salary certificate or business card and photo badge.
Proof materials that can prove good economic strength: copy of real estate license and copy of automobile driving license; Copy of bank loan account (good credit, overdue for no more than 60 days) or deposit certificate.